Abstinence = Time since last ejaculation
AIH = Artificial insemination using husband's sperm
Amniocentesis = Taking fluid and cells from the amniotic fluid around the fetus at 16 - 20 weeks of pregnancy
Ampoule = Glass container used to hold a drug
Analgesia = Pain relief (not the same as anaesthesia)
Antibodies = Usually meaning antibodies against sperm
Ascites = Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Back up sample = Semen sample frozen in case it is later needed
Beta hCG (bhCG) = The part of the hCG molecule measured in most pregnancy tests
Biochemical pregnancy = A pregnancy at an early stage before the fetus or sac can be seen by ultrasound, which can be monitored by bhCG levels in blood
Blastocyst = An embryo stage just before implantation, usually 50 - 150 cells, occurring 5 - 6 days after fertilisation
Buserelin = Name of a drug used to "turn off" the hormones FSH and LH
Catheter = A fine plastic tube (eg used to put sperm or embryos into the uterus through the cervix)
Cervical insemination = Putting sperm into the cervix
Chlamydia = A sexually transmitted bacteria which may cause tubal disease
Chromosome = Structures containing all the inherited information in the cell
Chromosome abnormalities =Wrong number of chromosomes or chromosomes with bits missing or with bits in the wrong place
Chromosome analysis = Inspection of chromosomes through a microscope
Clearblue = Name of a home pregnancy test using urine
Clearplan = Name of a home test for ovulation using urine
Cleavage = Division of cells in an embryo
Cleaved embryo = An embryo with more than one cell but at a simpler stage than a blastocyst
Clomiphene Citrate = Name of a drug used to induce ovulation or increase the number of eggs ovulated
Congenital abnormality = An abnormality present from birth
Corpus luteum = The remains of a follicle after ovulation (plural: corpus lutea)
Cryopreserved = Frozen
Cryoprotectant = Chemical used to help cells survive freezing
Culturing (cells) = Growing cells outside the body
CVS = Chorionic Villus Sampling - taking small bits of tissue from the placenta 8-10 weeks into pregnancy
Day 1 = First day of the period. Start of the menstrual cycle
DI = Donor Insemination
Diluent = Fluid used to dissolve a drug
Down regulated = When the ovaries have stopped making hormones after a person has been given Buserelin
Dummy run = Trial run for embryo replacement without embryos
Ectopic pregnancy = A pregnancy anywhere other than in the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube
Embryo = A fertilised egg
Empty sac = A pregnancy in which only the placenta, but not the fetus, has developed
Endometrial biopsy = Removal of a small part of the uterine lining to measure its maturity
Endometriosis = Growth of the tissue, that normally lines the uterus, outside the uterus
Engineered cycle = An artificial menstrual cycle in which drugs, not the ovaries, supply the hormones to prepare the uterus
Estrogen = Major type of hormone made by the ovary before ovulation
Estradiol = Major type of estrogen made by the ovary before ovulation
Excess embryos = Embryos remaining after embryo replacement in an IVF cycle
Fallopian tubes = Part of the body that carries eggs from the ovary to the uterus
Fertilisation = Incorporation of sperm into the egg
Folic acid = A vitamin which may reduce neural tube defects
Follicle = Fluid filled structure in which the egg matures in the ovary
Fragmentation (of embryos) = Uneven division of cells in an embryo leaving "bits" which have no chromosomes
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Genetic abnormality = An abnormality caused by errors in the hereditary material in a cell
GIFT = Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer
GnRH = Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone - the hormone which controls the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland
hCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin - the major pregnancy hormone
HIV = The AIDS virus
hMG = Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin - essentially FSH isolated from urine to be used as a drug to stimulate ovaries
Humagon = Drug company name for hMG
Hyperstimulation = Stimulation of the ovaries to mature too many eggs
Immunological infertility = Infertility caused by antibodies to sperm 
Implantation = Hatching of the embryo, then its growth into the lining of the uterus
Intramuscular injection = Injection into a muscle
Intra uterine insemination = Placing sperm directly into the uterus
Irregular embryo = An embryo with fragments or cells of different sizes
IVF = In Vitro Fertilisation
Karyotype = Description of all the chromosomes in a cell
Laparoscopy = Abdominal operation without (big) holes through the skin, fat and muscle - guided by a laparoscope
LH = Luteinising Hormone
LH rise = The increase in LH that precedes and causes ovulation
LH surge = Same as the LH rise
Metrodin = Drug company name for FSH
Multiple pregnancy = Twins or triplets or more
Oocyte = (Human) egg
Oocyte pick up = Recovery of eggs during IVF
Ovarian failure = Lack of ovarian function as after the menopause
Ovarian stimulation = Inducing the ovary to mature more than one egg in a menstrual cycle
Ovulation = Release of the egg from the follicle (into the fallopian tube)
Neural tube = The very early nervous system of a developing embryo
Non identifying information = Information about a sperm or oocyte donor which does not give the donor's identity
Pick up = Oocyte collection during an IVF cycle
Pituitary gland = Gland in the brain releasing FSH and LH
Post coital = After sexual intercourse
Progesterone = Major hormone made by the ovary after ovulation
Pergonal = Drug company name for hMG
Pregnyl = Drug company name for hCG
Profasi = Drug company name for hCG
Pronucleus = The male or female genetic material visible just after fertilisation of an egg (plural: pronuclei)
Pronuclear embryo = A fertilised egg (embryo) still only one cell in which the pronuclei are visible
PROST = Pronuclear Stage Transfer (of embryos in IVF)
Quarantine = Period after freezing before sperm can be used
RTAC = Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee of Australia
Semen = What is ejaculated
Serophene = Drug company name for Clomiphene Citrate
Spare embryos = Embryos remaining after embryo replacement in an IVF cycle
Sperm = The cells (spermatozoa) in the semen
Spermicides = Chemicals which kill sperm
Straws = Small plastic straws in which sperm or embryos are frozen
Subcutaneous injection = Injection under the skin
Suprefact = Drug company name for Buserelin
Synchronising cycles = Manipulating the menstrual cycles of a donor and recipient so that they would ovulate at the same time or have hormone changes at the same time
TEST = Tubal Embryo Stage Transfer (after IVF)
Trigger = Induction of ovulation with hCG
Tube(s) = Fallopian tube (s)
Transvesicle scanning = Ultrasound scanning using the full bladder as a "window"
Transvaginal = Ultrasound scanning where the ultrasound probe is in the vagina
Trisomy = Three copies of a chromosome instead of the usual two
Unprotected intercourse = Sexual intercourse without using a condom or diaphragm in a treatment cycle
Vial = Container holding a drug, usually with a rubber top that a syringe needle can be put through
Voltaren = Drug company name for a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Ultrasound scan = Visualising (usually the ovaries) by ultrasound
Zygote = An embryo that has not yet cleaved
ZIFT = Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer (same as PROST)