GASTROSCOPY - a patient's guide
Gastroscopy is used to diagnose stomach pain, heartburn and indigestion. This article outlines the procedure and how it is performed.
Gastroscopy is used to diagnose stomach pain, heartburn and indigestion. This article outlines the procedure and how it is performed.
Colonoscopy is an examination of the bowel and rectum. It is used to diagnose unexplained abdominal pain, diarrhoea and constipation. This article explains the procedure and how it is performed.
This common condition is characterised by a pain in the rectum. This article looks at the possible treatment options.
Constipation is a common problem. This article looks at when someone is considered constipated and how to treat the problem.
Peptic ulcers can cause much discomfort. This article details the symptoms and treatment options to cure the condition.
Laparascopic surgery is now replacing traditional open surgery for controlling severe heartburn. This article looks at the best candidates for key-hole surgery and how the operation is performed.